Our first big trip together after saving to buy our house was going to Seattle, WA. I am deathly afraid of flying so the weeks leading up to this were filled with a mix of excitement and dread. We're both fans of Twilight, so we knew we wanted to see Forks and La Push during this trip. We rented a car and started the 4 hour drive, stopping on the way to try and see tide pools in Port Angeles. Once we got to Forks, we stopped to grab a bite to eat and went to a souvenir shop next door. We picked out random Twilight trinkets to bring back home for friends and family but the card machine at the front desk wasn't working. We decided we'd go to La Push first and come back afterwards. The beach itself was beautiful, there are fallen tree logs scattered about. Ian went about propping his camera up on one of the logs and brought us out closer to the water. People mention all the time about "blacking out" during their engagement, and I can concur. There were so many emotions flowing once I realized what was happening, I can't remember anything he said. We spent the next hour soaking up all the excitement, and taking all the photos. The beach was freezing and it was starting to rain, there are multiple pictures of my hands being bright red. When we left, we went back to the souvenir shop, whose internet was still down. After she heard that we had just gotten engaged, she told us to take it as an early wedding present. We started making the drive back into the city and I finally got to FaceTime my family and friends to make the announcements. One of my favorite moments from that day was seeing my mom's reaction to the ring on my finger. Our hotel welcomed us back with complimentary champagne. Truly one of the best and most memorable days of our lives and I can't wait to experience this upcoming day with all of you.