As most people these days, Chuck and I found each other through the magical world of Online Dating. On one faithful evening when Jasmine was on a megabus to LA, the bus broke down and she frantically spent the whole drive texting Chuck until the early twilight hours for support. They finally met a few weeks after chatting online and had their first official date on 07/11/2018 at 7/11. They purchased a pint of Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey and drove up Sierra Road to the local make out point. Now years later, they are surrounded by a bevy of family and friends. They have been to Disneyland, Virginia, Las Vegas, and many other fun places together to enjoy their love. This year, they moved to Covington, WA from San Jose, CA to begin their life at Chez Boog. Their lovely 3 bedroom home they hope to share with their future family and their dog Jackson. Fun fact, this couple is getting married on Jackson's 6th Birthday! They are more than happy to share their love and special day with all of you and are so grateful for your presence in their lives.