Bride's Perspective: I had just moved from Minneapolis to LA, left the glamorous corporate headquarters life, and walked into the General Mills Yoplait plant to start my next adventure. It was a new world full of hard hats, steel toes, and safety glasses. I didn't quite know what I was getting myself into, but luckily I had a lunch with all the other younger employees on day two of the job to help me acclimate. Despite everyone's face being slightly hidden behind all the manufacturing garb, I could tell there was one good looking guy in the bunch. Phew. He was tall, had nice green eyes (from what I could see), and almost came across as arrogant. Flash forward six months later to the holiday party and he finally decided to talk to me again. He said I was the prettiest girl in operations and it was history from there! Lucky for me, it turns out he's actually the kindest guy ever, and not arrogant at all :) Groom's Perspective: I saw a meeting on my calendar and in the description it said lunch was provided so, obviously, I immediately accepted it. It was at that meeting I first saw Holly across the table. I noticed her radiant smile and thought, finally, a good looking woman at work. It was a few months later during our holiday party that I really got to know Holly and her fun loving personality. By the end of the night, I admitted that she was the prettiest woman in the plant. I think that was the line that really got her. For our second date we went to Vegas and the rest is history. P.S. We wrote these stories separately and seems like they line up pretty well. Match made in heaven!