Yes, there is valet parking at the venue.
Yes, there will be a trolley picking guests up from the Sofitel and The Logan hotels to the venue. A trolley will return guests to the Sofitel and The Logan later in the evening.
Guests should arrive to the ceremony around 5:00 p.m. The ceremony will begin at 5:30 p.m.
Yes, the dress code is black-tie optional. Women are asked to wear midi or full length dresses. Men are asked to wear a suit or tux. Any color suit can be worn.
Yes, we recommend the Sofitel hotel and The Logan hotel. We have a room block at each of those hotels. Additional information can be found on the Accommodations page on our website.
No, entree selections will be made at the table during the reception.
There will be two trolley pick up times to go to the ceremony from The Logan. The first trolley will pick up guests at 4:30 and the second will pick up guests at 5:00.
There will only be one trolley picking up guests to go to the ceremony from The Sofitel. The trolley will be picking guests up at 4:55 PM.
The wedding reception will end at 12:00 AM. If guests would like to leave early, the trolleys will begin to bring guests back to The Logan and The Sofitel hotels at 11:00 PM. The trolleys will continue to bring guests back to the hotels until the end of the reception. The trolleys will make sure they continue to bring guests back until all guests have left the reception.