November 1, 2024
Boston, MA

Heather & Kevin


Kevin McNamara


Heather Payne

November 1, 2024

Boston, MA
42 days42 d12 hours12 h46 minutes46 min28 seconds28 s

Our Story

"This is precious love"

Like all timeless love stories…it began on a dating app. Heather messaged Kevin one November night while he was asleep, and as the sun rose the following morning, Kevin and his hopes rose with it. He was hopeful that this stunning angel who messaged him would be The One. He responded, “What an infectious smile to wake up to!” because it was the truth; Heather’s smile made Kevin smile on that first morning just as it does today. After two weeks of texting, Heather agreed to meet with Kevin for dinner and drinks at the Mad Moose Saloon after work one day. Heather arrived first {the first and last time that has ever happened} and grabbed a high-top table. When Kevin walked in, he was immediately blown away by her beauty. And she couldn’t help but think “wow he looks even better than in his pictures.”. The two began talking about their life experiences, future goals, and their love of T-Swift. They laughed and flirted for the next FIVE hours. After a few hours, Heather booked their second date – Axe throwing. She wanted to make sure she locked him in for another date. Which Kevin was ecstatic about because he already knew in that moment that she was perfect for him. Over the next month, the two began going on dates. They’d have one planned for Saturday but couldn’t wait until then, so they’d have 3 mini dates throughout the week to hold them over until Saturday. They were infatuated and loved every minute of it. After a month, they became “Facebook official” and started to meet each other’s friends and family. Anyone who saw them together could feel how happy they made one another. It wasn’t long before Kevin moved into Heather’s uncle’s condo with her. It was during this time that they grew as individuals and as a couple. They learned each other’s idiosyncrasies that you can only truly know after living with someone. They experienced external obstacles and conquered them together. As this growth occurred and as their conversations became more sincere, their passion for one another never dwindled; in fact, it fortified. After several months of living together, they knew that they were “endgame”. As they gaze into each other’s eyes they saw an infinite future together. They knew they wanted to get married and get a place of their own to call home. So, they purchased a house together and in the months that followed, filled it with memories that made it their home. It was in this home that Kevin saved for an engagement ring. When Kevin purchased the ring that he knew would solidify their bond forever. He conspired with Heather’s mother to execute a surprise proposal. He’d propose on August 19th at her grandparents’ beach house, a place where Heather has several fond memories from her childhood. Kevin, Heather and some of her family went down to the beach house under the guise of going to the beach and getting dinner at night. As twilight approached, everyone got dolled up. If Heather had no idea the proposal was happening up to this point, she was beginning to have suspicions now, as everyone was taking turns staring at her curling her hair, knowing that this would be the last time she did so as a “girlfriend”. When Heather was done getting ready, she and Kevin posed for pictures in front of the setting sun. However, instead of pictures being captured, a video was being taken. In that video, Kevin got down on bended knee, declared all the reasons he loved Heather, professed his undying devotion to her and asked for her hand in marriage. With tears in her eyes, Heather responded with a resounding “Yes”! The newly engaged couple took little time before planning their wedding. Together they went to visit Five Bridge Inn in Rehoboth, MA, and promptly fell in love with its charm. It has precisely the type of ambiance they are looking for. Heather and Kevin are tremendously eager for their family and friends to join them on Friday November 1st, 2024, to be witness to their next step in their lifelong journey. They will see you there!

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