June 2020 | This was when we first met (via Zoom)! We were put in charge of leading a virtual small group together for younger missionaries over the summer.
Sept. 2020 | This was the night that Jack knew he would ask Heather on a date. He was pierced by the way she talked about Jesus around the campfire. He asked her a month later for a first date.
Nov. 2020 | Our first pic as a dating couple! We were getting things to make tacos and stopped for a photo-op at the check-out.
Our first Valentine's Day - Jack made dinner and cocktails (he's quite the chef!)
June 2021 | We both were Team Directors with FOCUS - him at UConn, her at UMass! This was placement day and we were meeting our new teams.
Heather's first visit to Atlanta (Jack's home)
Jack visits Lodi, CA (Heather's home)