We are looking forward to celebrating with you!
We are looking forward to celebrating with you!
September 14, 2024
Nunica, MI

Eric And Stephanie are Getting Hitched!

    Wedding Party
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Eric Headley


Stephanie Martin

September 14, 2024

Nunica, MI

**Invitation Error**

An error was brought to our attention on the envelope of our wedding invitations. The return address on the Invitation envelope is INCORRECT. If you need our address for any reason, please reach out to Eric or Stephanie. Thank you!

Our Love Story

A girl goes to a friends house for a bit and while she's there she gets introduced to her friends friend; the "small town farm guy" who was in their back yard, on top of a hill, chopping wood -shirtless, in the winter. They talk briefly and as she goes to leave, she gets a hug and then it starts lightly snowing around them. As cheesy and lifetime movie-like as it sounds, that's how our story began. Stephanie met Eric at Jon and Aubrey's house. He was there helping chop wood and Stephanie stopped by to drop something off and chat for a bit. When they met for the first time, they talked for a while but then it started snowing so Stephanie decided to head home. She got a hug goodbye from everyone, including Eric, got in her car and left. A month later, everyone gathered again for Jon's Birthday party. Stephanie and Eric ended up being on the same team for a game. During the game, they worked very well together; almost reading each other's minds and guessing the correct answers based on each other's clues. After the party, they started talking more and their friendship really blossomed. They talked every day, almost all day, supporting each other through the good and bad in life and before they knew it, they were falling in love.

Our Engagement

On July 4th 2023, Eric planned to take Stephanie to a friends house to go fishing. That morning, Stephanie got up and was getting ready for the day when Eric came in to tell her that the plans were canceled because his friend was going out of town instead. Stephanie finished getting ready and was just planning on laying low for the day until they had to go to the 4th of July party they planned on attending later that night. (Little did Stephanie know, Eric was planning on proposing on the water and was scrambling to come up with a plan B proposal.) An hour later, Eric asked if Stephanie wanted to meet up with his sister Julie and her family for lunch at Pottawattomie Park, which is a park that Eric and Stephanie play Pokemon Go at quite often. Stephanie was excited because she loves spending time with Julie and her family and they have never been to Pottawattomie before so she couldn't wait to show the kids the park and the bayou. After finishing lunch, Eric said he wanted to go down by the water to see if they could see any fish. They all walked down and were overlooking the water. Eric said he saw a fish and pointed over to the right; Stephanie looked but saw nothing. Eric told her to keep looking, but Stephanie still didn't see anything. Finally Eric said "What about over here?" and when Stephanie turned to look to the left, Eric was on one knee and asked her to marry him.

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