Yes! Our guests are welcome to mingle with refreshments in the air-conditioned venue before the ceremony begins. 15 minutes before the ceremony which will be at 6:30, we ask that all guests find their seats outside which will be set up under the trees. Ceremony will last about 30 minutes and reception is to follow immediately after inside the building.
We have a link under the "registry" tab on this website just for that purpose! If you prefer this option over an item on the registry, feel free to donate at your discretion. Gifts or cash are by NO means required or expected however. :)
Absolutely! Unfortunately we can't accommodate every person we love in person, but we still want them to be a part of our special day. Therefore, the option to join virtually is available to everyone. Here’s the link ⬇️ Password: Robertsromance23
Great question! Here’s an article link that you can copy and paste to your browser URL that explains it all in simple terms >>
Yes! We will have beverages and a full dinner provided. Menu is Lasagna with meat sauce with garden salad and fresh bread. Wedding cake to follow!