Woohoo! Wedding Weekend!! If you haven't yet, please check out the added page entitled "In The Time of Covid" for reminders about the event. We can't wait to see you! ❤️🙂 (post updated 09/30)
Woohoo! Wedding Weekend!! If you haven't yet, please check out the added page entitled "In The Time of Covid" for reminders about the event. We can't wait to see you! ❤️🙂 (post updated 09/30)
October 2, 2021
McHenry, IL

Alexa & Ryan

    Read This If You Don't Like Surprises
Stem with leaves

Read This If You Don't Like Surprises

The Wedding Website of Alexa Harris and Ryan Carlson
Our wedding/marriage has a couple components that you may not have seen before. There will more details included at the actual event, but here's a couple heads-ups if you are the type of person who likes to have a heads-up! Feel free to reach out with any questions.

A Ceremony Detail?


The wedding is taking place on Saturday, October 2nd with the standard ceremony-then-reception operation (see the "Schedule" tab for all the specifics). However, there will be one detail left until midnight: the part where the officiant officially says "I now pronounce you husband and wife." This is because October 3rd is a significant family date (more to come at the wedding), and it is important to the bride & groom that this be their actual date of marriage. No one is under any obligation whatsoever to stay 'til midnight, so please stick to whatever timeline is most comfortable for you. đź•› At 11:59pm Alexa & Ryan will meet on the dance floor, and anyone who is still at the event is welcome to join the countdown and help cheer the couple into their first official day of marriage. And then they'll sign the paperwork. Sort of like a countdown on New Years Eve, but without the confetti. Sort of like Cinderella, but we all know Alexa will probably ditch her shoes way before midnight.


A New Last Name?


It's Carrison! Alexa & Ryan are combining their last names to make a whole new one (yes, you can do that)! They are then adding the new name to each of their respective pre-existing names: Alexa Harris Carrison Ryan Carlson Carrison This will allow them to keep using their original last names in the professional sphere, but use Carrison socially/for everyday interactions. There's sure to be some legal work to sort out in the next few months (hello, Secretary of State), so it's probably best to stick to their original last names on anything "legally official" for the immediate future. Cheers to the new Carrisons! & thank you again for celebrating with us! 🌟


Address Change?


Yep! 🏡 Alexa & Ryan moved between when save-the-dates were sent and when invitations were sent. Their new address is the one in Brookfield, Illinois


Watson & Jax will not be at the wedding?


Talk to Ryan about this one. Alexa thought they should be ushers.

For all the days along the way
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