(As told by Kevin) In 2013 I was 13 years old, coming to the end of sixth grade. I had settled with a group of buddies, being idiots at the cafeteria table. It was during the lunch line I would on occasion come in contact with Hannah. Introverted me would only exchange the default words wired into the human brain of "Hey, how're you?" and "good" followed by a cheesy smile and goofy laugh. It was August, 2015 when I started cooking. I walked into science class and recognized a familiar face and almost immediately felt the tension of school lessened. Little me tried to get the closest seat to her, due to the teacher's seating assignment being COVID protocols in 2015! Towards the end of eighth grade is when I built a rapport with Hannah. We would speak more, whether it would be through social media or in person. I specifically remember a Christmas memory in science class. We were wrapping objects in newspaper... or as we called it, wrapping gifts for the orphans. I would make her laugh nonstop, and I could not stop admiring her smile. That's all I could think of during winter break. Fast forward to Spring, 2018 I was tired of playing the waiting game and wanted to become more than friends. After a brutal summer of traveling and waiting, Winter came along and I had a plan in motion. I would take Hannah on multiple dates whether it was for lunch or dinner. She would even tag along on errand runs, which is when I knew she was a keeper. I eventually took her to Busch Gardens and I knew she was going to be the person I needed to stay in my life. New Year's Eve came along, and at 11:55pm, I mustered all the courage to kiss her and ask the question if she would be my girlfriend. I was blessed the privilege to be with her up until winter of 2023. Through numerous Ups & Downs, college, and ultimately into my career, she stood by my side, with never ending support. I realized, she was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life till the day I left this Earth. I want to continue to make endless memories and explore the world with. I walked cluelessly into Kay's Jewelry and purchased an engagement ring. On January 14th, I proposed to Hannah in private. Although pictures and having family around would've been phenomenal, I figured just like all the countless memories we've already had in private, this new path of life should start the same way. If you are reading this, then you personally have had a great impact in our lives and I truly thank you with everything holy. I by the grace of God, found my soulmate and I can't wait to see all of our loved ones together in celebration of a new stepping stone.