6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
If you're in town on Friday, we'd love to have you join us for drinks and a seafood boil to kick off the weekend. Kiddos are welcome to attend on Friday evening! The dress code for Friday is your Sunday-Best-on-a-Friday. See FAQ for more info.
4:30 pm - 11:00 pm
Reception followed by cocktails, dinner, and dancing!
Kiddos are welcome on Friday and Sunday but we hope to keep Saturday adults-only. If you need assistance finding a babysitter in the area, we are happy to help! (Timing is subject to change slightly.) The dress code for Saturday is semi-formal. See FAQ for more info.
11:00 pm
Not ready for the night to end? Neither are we! Cash bar starting at 11pm at the Andes Hotel (walking distance from the reception venue). Karaoke optional but strongly encouraged.
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Stop by on your way out of town for bagels and coffee at Bovina staple Putt Putt Van Winkle (and squeeze in a game of mini golf before you hit the road)! Casual attire is encouraged. Kiddos are welcome to attend!