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September 14, 2024
Jackson, WY

Halle & Gregory


“Ready for our next adventure!”





September 14, 2024

Jackson, WY
6 days6 d10 hours10 h27 minutes27 min17 seconds17 s

The Proposal

Where's the Fireball?

On July 24th, 2020, I took a trip out West for the first time to visit Halle in her hometown of Jackson, WY. What better way to start the trip than a good 'ole fashion picnic? Clear blue skies, a bottle of rose, Bruno Mars on the radio, adult lunchables, a deck of Uno cards, and a perfect view of Sleeping Indian Mountain. This could work! Nervous as can be, Halle only saw it fitting that they keep the party going at the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar for a shot (or two) of Fireball to calm my nerves a bit. That definitely worked. A week later, what started with a glass of rose and lunchables ended with an "I love you." Three years later on the anniversary of our first trip to Jackson together, we went back. Only this time, it was my turn to plan the picnic. As the days went by, we had a great time paddle boarding, fly fishing, and hiking! But all I could think about was Thursday: here's what you say, don't forget it; does she know? What are you gonna wear? Is she gonna love it? Do you have the ring? WHERE'S THE RING?! Oh, there's the ring. Is the weather gonna be okay? Let's hope so. The time came, Thursday. Breakfast in the morning, paddle boarding midday on Jenny Lake, and a picnic with a bottle of rose, Bruno Mars on the radio, adult lunchables, a deck of Uno cards, and somewhat of a view of Sleeping Indian Mountain. Just as the rain stopped and the Tetons broke through the clouds, there was a sliver of sunshine. It was time. Did I remember what he had rehearsed? Definitely not! But I spoke from the heart, and Halle said YES! Now what better way to end their trip than with a shot (or two) of Fireball at the Cowboy to keep the party going. We're so excited to celebrate this next chapter in our lives with you all and hope to see you in Jackson!

For all the days along the way
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