Disney+ not adding anything to your day? Netflix not really lighting you fire? Amazon Prime not so crucial to your life? If you looking for the next Big Event how about participating in the biggest day of our lives as we join together as Mr. & Mrs.! While COVID may keep you away from our ceremony, we would be greatly honored if you virtually attend our Big Day beginning THIS Saturday at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time) @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfuv6ux1PIE&feature=youtu.be
I first met Mitch when we were freshman in high school. The first time we actually met was at FCA in the old theater at Pope High School. But we didn’t really get to know one another until the next semester when we had Spanish class together. Mitch would find me in the lunchroom every day to ask my what the homework was for class (which was due the next period but that is besides the point). From there we had a few classes together sophomore year and become friends over the course of the year. After ‘talking’ for about eight months, we finally started dating our junior year of high school. So I guess the rest from there is history....
We were going on five years of dating throughout high school and our time in college. The summer going into senior year, Mitch was working at OSU and I was in Georgia. We had talked about the possibility of getting engaged that summer but I had no idea when that would happen seeing how we would be in different states the entire break. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am not good about waiting and being surprised; I would much rather know the plan but Mitch was determined that this would be a surprise. I knew we wanted it to happen before we went back to school so in my head I narrowed it down to a couple of days. Mitch, naturally, played it off and waited until the very last day. All day long he did everything he could to throw me off...and man did it work. By evening, I was on the phone with my sister just going on and on about all the ‘things’ he had to do that day and how he didn’t even know if we would get to go out that night. (I found out later this was staged and Mitch called my sister to distract me for a while). When he came to pick me up for dinner, I got in the truck and he looked at me and said ‘Well where do you want to go?’ Oh, I was not happy. I informed him I would not be deciding so he told me that we would just drive around until I did. And we did...all the way to his old house. I was so confused and actually looked at him and said ‘You don’t live here anymore’. He took me to the same spot he asked me to be his girlfriend all those years ago to ask me to be his wife. Needless to say, I said yes!
We met at a Friday morning FCA meeting at Pope High School during our freshman year. We had a couple of classes together throughout high school but Haley is a lot smarter than I am, so most of the time she was in much tougher classes than I was. However the classes we did have together I was smart enough to make sure I got to sit close to her. We started dating at the beginning of our junior year in High School and graduated together in 2016. She went to Samford University and I went to Covenant College after high school and we have made a lot of trips between the two schools over these past 4 years.