June 27, 2020
Franklin, Tennessee

Haley & Charlie

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Though the wonderful members of our wedding party will not be able to attend the new wedding, we still want you to know all about them:)

Andrea Forrest

Maid of Honor

Haley met Andrea in Bible study their freshman year of college, and were roomies the next three years! Andrea graduated UC Davis with a degree in Neurology, Physiology and Behavior and is now working towards becoming a nurse. She loves swimming and discussing theology, and will blow your mind with the amount of cool and unique facts she knows! She is one of the sweetest and most loyal souls you'll ever meet, and Haley is so thankful and excited to have her as the Maid of Honor.

Eva Newby


Haley and Eva met freshman year in Bible Study and continued to grow closer over the next four years. Native to San Diego, you can find Eva surfing, trying new restaurants and traveling. She graduated from UC Davis with a degree in Animal Science, and plans to continue her education in animal studies. She has a way of making any person she meets feel immediately included and right at home, and would love to answer any of your animal or Australian related questions!

Danielle Puplava


Haley originally met Danielle her freshman year over breakfast with a mutual friend, but didn't grow close until they lived together the next year. They spent the next three years as housemates with lots of late night talks, laughs, and wine and cheese! Danielle graduated UC Davis with a degree in International Relations and a minor in History, and now works as a business development analyst for space systems at Raytheon. You can find Danielle on long runs on the beach and spending quality time with friends. She is incredibly intentional in her friendships and always makes sure her friends are taken care of.

Julia Loegering


Julia and Haley were Physics lab partners sophomore year, but didn't grow close until Junior year when they joined the same Bible study and Senior year when they became housemates! Julia graduated UC Davis with a degree in Biomedical Engineering, and now works as a clinical research coordinator with UC Davis Health. She loves running, swimming and biking (and competing in Triathlons), as well as cooking delicious food! Julia works incredibly hard at whatever she puts her mind to and will go to great lengths to make sure those around her know they're loved.

Savannah Phillips


Savannah is Haley's younger sister on her Mom's side, and loves horseback riding and going on long motorcycle rides through the Tennessee country. You can also find her crushing it on the soccer field. She is a senior in high school, and plans to attend either Houghton University in New York or Colorado State University to major in Equestrian Studies. Savannah is that she is incredibly loyal to her friends, and will fiercely and faithfully stand by their side with strength and encouragement.

Mikaela Barker


Mikaela is Haley's younger sister on her Dad's side, and loves to find adventure whether it's on a horseback through the hills or on a subway through the streets of New York. She's a junior in high school, and loves competing in barrel racing with her horse Cherry as well as eating good food with friends. Mikaela cares deeply for her younger siblings and will fiercely protect those she cares about. She also loves our Great Pyrenees named Zeus who has way more strength than he realizes.

Bryan Fast

Best Man

Don't Let Bryan's facial hair fool you; he is a soft man. Charlie and Bryan (& Quinn) grew up as best friends together and decidedly formed a gang in the church called the 'Destructive Trio'. Bryan's social role in the Trio has always been "The Instigator"; he annoys until punished, then cries victim. Classic Bryan. This man is an electrician in riverside and is also soon a groom to be. His biggest fear in life is not dying alone, but Stingrays. If you see him bustin' moves at the wedding ceremony he will most likely be wearing a Bass-Pro hat, and have a hunting rifle strapped to his back. Give him a holler, but keep your distance because he will bite.

Quinn Huestis

Best Man

Quinn is an Inland empire born and raised soul. Quinn makes up the third member of the "Destructive Trio" (along with Bryan and Charlie). Quinn was always outcast socially for living in Murrieta. For those who aren't aware, Murrieta is Temecula's neighboring city and is basically just a generic brand of Temecula. An analogy of the two cities is: eating "Captain Crunch" vs eating "Kirkland brand Sweetened corn crunchies". Where Temecula is Captain Crunch and vice versa. We eventually accepted Quinn, nevertheless. He graduated from University of Montana last year and now lives in the beach oasis of Carlsbad working as a Hot-Shot businessman. His greatest weakness is...well...growing up in Murrieta. His greatest strength is gambling.

Christian Wingate


Christian was Charlie's roommate/housemate in college for all 4 years! Low and behold, he also grew up in Temecula! He and Charlie played on a soccer team together in the 3rd grade (and named the team with some ridiculous form of alliteration like "prehistoric piranhas", or " Dangerous Dragons" or something...). Charlie and Christian lost touch after that fateful soccer season and surprisingly, didn't see each other for 15 years (even though their highschool's literally touched each other's borders). After realizing they were going to the same college, the friendship picked up where it left off! Christian is known for many things: The gym guy, the scarf guy, the theology guy, the fortnite guy, and the nasal issue guy. But at the end of the day, he's a great guy, and a guy worth knowing:)

Kevin Webb


Kevin came along at the latter end of Charlie's college years. It speaks volumes of his character that he was drafted into the wedding party after being friends with Charlie for only a year. Some friends are made not from childhood or proximity, but rather from having their paths cross during a brief moment in time and fitting together like a puzzle. Kevin is an aspiring doctor/lawyer/astronaut/POTUS and is spending an insane amount of years at school. He attends the Mayo (nnaise) clinic and yada yada...achievements...etc. Like all Blonde haired Blue eyed boys he is a spectacle to behold on the soccer field. He enjoys moonlit walks and long skates on the frozen lakes of Minnesota. If you see him at the wedding, give him a pat on the head and a hopeful wish of his next 7 years of school.

Cody Hunt


Cody is Charlie's older, smarter, and infinitesimally taller brother. The man is a genius...literally, and is also soon to be married (May 30th). He is a Computer Software engineer in the great city of San Francisco (currently under quarantine), and has an affinity for board games and reading instruction manuals. In childhood, he would often stay up past curfew like a naughty boy... but only to read physics books and owner's manuals of Christmas trees and such. Fun fact: In Highschool, Cody was on the wrestling team for a few years and joined in the tradition of bleaching his hair; he looked like an exact clone of Eminem. If you see him at the wedding, he will probably be with his pride&joy, Janae. Shoot him a smile, acknowledging the fact that he is the bestest big brother, ever.

Jake Johnson


Jake's bio will be shared in the form of a long list. Here are many things about Jake: He is a ginger, is a big strong man, has a gluteus maximus that will bend steel, he spends his mornings fishing and praising the Lord, spends his nights driving to far away lands, he sleeps only 2 hours per day (2-4AM), he is known for playing guitar whilst driving (feet on the wheel technique), he burns candles in his car cupholders to set the mood, he was one of Charlie's best friends in college, he is becoming a pilot for Southwest, he runs marathons for fun, he can hoist people in the air very easily, he cares about everyone he meets immensely, and he once spent an entire summer on a 10'X10' houseboat in the name of Jesus. If you see him at the wedding, do yourself a favor and go meet him.

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