Zilker Park is located in downtown Austin and has beautiful views of the skyline. There is access to the Lady Bird Lake walking trail.
Austin's downtown library. The top floor has a patio overlooking the Austin skyline and lake.
A family-owned coffee shop on Lake Austin, close to downtown. Haley & Aidan had their first date here :)
A natural pool with a large grassy area next to Zilker Park in Austin.
A fun activity in East Austin. Haley & Aidan had their second date there and live less than 5 minutes away.
Asian: Oseyo, Loro, Ramen Tatsuya Italian: Intero, Il Brutto American: Central Machine Works, Pinthouse Brewing, Hillside Farmacy Sushi: Lucky Robot, Uchi, TenTen Mediterranean: Aba BBQ: Terry Black's Mexican: Suerte, Grizzelda's, Gabrielas