Maid of Honor
Pam has an intrinsic ability to make people feel seen and has always been able to brighten my day. She is unbelievably thoughtful, slyly clever and without fail is ready for a fun time. She is the first person I call when anything happens, good or bad. Her outlook on life gives me the courage to try and be a better person everyday. No wonder I asked her to be my Maid of Honor, she helped shape me into the person I am today.
Best Man
Mike is the kind of friend you call when you need help. He can fix anything and is always willing to lend a hand. When Mike puts his mind to something, nothing can stop him. One day we skipped school to watch May Day at his apartment, the next thing I knew he was flying passenger planes.
Tina is unabashedly herself, something we should all strive for. She's someone that I can always count on for sage advice, sincerity and a hearty chuckle every time we visit. Maybe it's because we've known each other our whole lives, Tina feels like home.
Jeff is my little brother, despite having six inches on me. Jeff is a kind soul, but push him too far and he will slash you. He's the best all round hockey player of the Toltons. Jeff brews delicious beer and is training to fly passenger planes like Mike.
Bubblier than the finest champagne, Hannah is always a ray of sunshine. She is kind-hearted, endlessly enthusiastic and has an uncanny ability to make you feel special. Don't hesitate to introduce yourself because I know she'll wrap you in the same warmth she does her friends, she just is that wonderful.
Jeff and I used to call Kevin dad because he was wise beyond his years and a pain in the ass, but we love him. Kevin picked the worst moment in history to open a restaurant and despite covid, built a thriving business. Of all the Toltons, Kevin has the slickest moves in hockey.