Maid of Honor
Raven has been my best friend since we were 11 years old. Through puberty, teenage drama, boyfriends, high school, and college, we have remained together through it all!
Elexxus is my youngest sister, being a young 16. Although young sisters can be a hand full, with their dramatic antics and attitudes, I would not trade her for the world!
Jacinda is my oldest and most stubborn sister. She is very vocal with her opinions, which sometimes drives me insane, but big sisters will always try to be the know it alls of the family. Through thick and thin though, Jacinda continues to be there for me.
Jiselle was and still is the wild child of the family. If you know my sisters personally, you know that Jiselle is also most likely to be the favorite child my parents have. She does not care what people think and that is something I admire most about her.