Literally the most amazing person ever. She introduced me to terms such as "Yeet" and "lit," and we went from there to here. She is amazing and beautiful and everyday is a gift to spend with her.
He's s made me laugh harder, love bigger, work harder, and experience more than I ever thought possible.
Maid of Honor
My favorite roommate, the person I have cried more times with than anyone, and the weirdest chick I know.
Best Man
He's real weird
My other favorite roommate and the best hugger ever.
A real cool dude.
Both the strangest and the most genuine person I've ever met.
My favorite sister.
Both the bride and groom's favorite person in the whole world.
We used to fight each other and we put a hole in the wall, but we're cool now.
The Hermione to my Harry and someone I have been surviving music school and life in general with for every year of my college career. One of the biggest people I go to for advice and the one who always keeps my head on straight.
Great chef, great magician.
My first friend in college that has stuck with me through a whole mess of life. My hair dye buddy and fellow tattoo maniac.
My favorite youngest brother.
Flower Girl
An adorable fireball of ginger curls.
Flower Girl
The cutest baby on planet earth.