August 18, 2018
Santa Ynez, CA

Michael & Angela


Gold DropsGold DropsGold DropsGold Drops

Angela Casella


Michael Gross


Santa Ynez


August 18


How We Met

Angela and Mike were introduced to each other by a mutual friend back in 2010. Mike had, at the time, decided to leave civilization and sail the world with an old family friend. He dreamt of growing his hair out, not taking showers for weeks on end, growing dreadlocks and ultimately becoming a pirate. Angela, having instantly decided Mike was a good guy, had the heart to talk him out of it and push him to follow his actual dreams of eventually starting his own successful company. To this day, Mike still blames her for not allowing him to become pirate and ultimately be a happy, responsible, well groomed man. After 6 1/2 years of friendship, the two finally decided it was time for them to create a new story together.

How we got engaged

On July 23rd, 2017, it was Angela's birthday. Mike, and his brother Ryan, have a way of doing things that is referred to as the "Gross Way", which ultimately means a romantically over the top, somewhat poorly planned grandiose idea of what will ultimately lead to bragging rights amongst friends and family. However, this usually ends up as an adventure with a completely different type of story to tell full of laughs, trials and tribulations....as is the "Gross Way". The day started off with Angela and Mike, accompanied by Ryan and his Fiance, Kate, at the port of Long Beach waiting for the boat to Catalina. You see, Mike and Ryan had planned an epic birthday for Angela full of boats, kayaking, snorkeling, zip-lining and of course a proposal, followed by a stay at Mike's Mom's favorite resort in Huntington Beach. Mike spots a pair of lost keys which could belong to any of the other 200 people waiting to take this boat ride. As loud as he can, he shouts, "Excuse me!". Everyone turns to look at him with wonder in their hearts and eyes, whereupon he walks face first into the most massive spider web with the most massive spider on it and proceeds to scream like his little sister, and flailing around like a lunatic. Once the laughter of 200 people finally died down, he found the owner of the infamous keys and was thereafter famous on the island of Catalina. And its only 7:30am. To be continued....

How we got engaged (Cont.)

Once at the island, Angela, Mike, Ryan and Katy all had a beautiful breakfast that they we not quite able to fully enjoy, on account of the fact that they were attacked by the most intimidating creatures on planet earth....the little yellow jackets. And once again, the screaming continues, with the inevitable stares and chuckles that Mike has now grown used to. However, this time it wasn't just Mike, Angela decided to join in and best him with screams of what could only be someone being murdered slowly by a mythical beast. Putting this behind them, and sure nothing else could interfere with what was to be a perfect day, the four of them set off with kayaks and snorkeling gear for a 3 mile kayak trip to a secluded beach around the island....on a windy day. Haha, SOOO WINDY. Nothing like a "turn your arms to jelly while 3 miles away from civilization" type of exercise on your birthday. They finally arrive and the time has come, Angela and Katy are off looking for sea shells, the sun is shining, the cove is gorgeous, the small waves crashing on the small rocks of the shore, the beauty was abound. Mike gets the ring, Kate gets the camera rolling, Mike gets on one knee, holding out his Grandma's 100 year old wedding ring and proposes. Angela, swells up, takes her time, Mike's knees are burning, and says with tears of excitement, "YES!!! Of Course YES!!". They then snorkeled in the cove, having a blast, looking at the fish, finding shells, freaking out about the seaweed, and had an amazing time! They then kayaked the three miles back and finally get to shore. Tired, hungry, and oh, did I forget to mention that they didn't put on any sunblock....completely burned from head to toe, they decide to get lunch. Well what comes after, can again only be described as the "Gross Way", because any normal human would have, at that time, decided to take it easy. Not the Gross Brothers. Next up, Zip Lining...and a lot of it....on sunburned bodies....with harnesses. To be Continued

How we got engaged (Cont. Cont.)

Yep. You read that right. Zip Lining, in the sun, with harnesses that rub all over, on completely sun-burned bodies. Despite this weird form of torture, they all had a blast. They then finished off the day with dinner, and got back in line for the boat ride home, where more tourists started to point and laugh at the spider guy. Finally getting to their 5-Star, beautiful hotel room, Mike and Angela finish the night off in the most romantic of ways possible.... by rubbing what felt like ice cold aloe vera all over each other's sun-burnt bodies, and yep, que to screaming again. Lord only knows what the neighbors thought was going on. Needless to say, non of them will ever forget this day for the rest of their lives. It was truly, magical, and despite Angela having learned first hand what the "Gross Way" is, she has still decided to love and marry the poor fool. The End.

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