Due to limited space, we can only accommodate those guests formally invited on your wedding invitation. Thank you for understanding!
For the wedding, we would love for everyone to dress up with us. We request that you wear semi-formal attire for the evening. Women, please refrain from wearing white or a shade that resembles white. On Wednesday night, there's no need for anything fancy just wear whatever would be best for you to beat Luke bowling in!
Unfortunately, parking is very limited at the venue. There is a parking lot at the bottom of the mountain and we ask that if you are able to carpool to the lodge it would be recommended. The lodge is up a very steep incline and if you need transportation up the mountain, we ask that you contact Grace's parents and they will be able transport people up to the venue. Please reach out to Karen (334-892-3714) or Luke (850-865-7675) prior to the event to arrange transportation to the lodge.
In order to allow the venue to properly prepare for the exact number of guests, we ask that you RSVP no later than Monday, December 4th. This also applies to the other events that are taking place on December 27th.
Yes, there will be a reception with dinner, drinks, and dancing immediately following the ceremony and all guests are more than welcome to attend. We do ask that if you plan on drinking, to please drink responsibly and come prepared with a designated driver. We want all of our guests to celebrate the night with us and to arrive back home safely.