June 1, 2024
Cocoa Beach, FL

Kevin & Grace get hitched

    the story
    So you want to go to a wedding

Grace Freeman


Kevin Terrell


June 1, 2024

Cocoa Beach, FL

It all started with COVID...

or was it high school?

Hockey - it was definitely hockey. There aren't many times in life when you thank your little brother for having a best friend tied to their hip at all times. Honestly, I can't think of another time when that exact scenario was anything less than annoying, but in this story John Michael and Mikey are the heroes. If it weren't for those two, the Terrells and the Palazuelos' (Grace's fam, for those of you who are new around here) would have never become close and there would have been absolutely no reason why Grace and Kevin would have interacted. Granted, they still would've gone to the same high school and known some of the same people, but even with Mikey and John Michael's friendship there wasn't much Kevin and Grace had in common. Grace was in AP + IB (as the Terrells would say - she's 'Tricia smart') and she obsessed over getting into college at any cost (she legit paid to be in weird clubs to look diversified on her applications). Kevin couldn't have cared less about school if he tried, if it wasn't related to sports or slacking off (you know what that means) he wanted nothing to do with it. That being said, for some reason, the one thing they did have in common - other than their families - was that they both had a soft spot for the other. None of this would come out until later of course because let's be honest, that would just be too easy, but nevertheless it's important to the story. In their younger years Grace thought Kevin was cute but figured he'd think he was too 'cool' for her - and Kevin thought Grace was hot but thought she was too smart to talk to him. Honestly, at the time, they were both right. It would've never worked. But luckily for this story, the world fell apart in 2020 and they got a second chance. If you're here, you know the rest.... it started with memes and turned into a ring, and in April, we're going to party.

For all the days along the way
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