1.4 miles from Cuffey's Cove Ranch Please note this is the only hotel with availability in Elk, and rooms are limited.
9.0 miles from Cuffey's Cove Ranch If you have a trailer or wish to camp this campground is fairly close and has both full and partial hookups. Availability can be viewed on their website.
11.5 miles from Cuffey's Cove Ranch
11.8 miles from Cuffey's Cove Ranch 2 night minimum Rooms, cottages, and homes available.
11.5 miles away from Cuffey's Cove Ranch 2 night minimum They have rooms available and are extremely reasonably priced for the area.
Little River and Mendocino are approximately 12 to 15 miles away and around a 15 to 20 minute drive. Fort Bragg is approximately 25 miles and around a 35 minute drive.