All it took was one swipe right for two most complimentary souls to find each other. A gym buff met a Disney lover, and the rest was history. Matthew & Amelia have spent just over four years deepening their love and affection for each other. Their days are spent caring for their little family and working hard to build a beautiful future together. The soon-to-be Crowsons love spending the day out at Disney or the beach, and you can often find them hosting a lake day with their loved ones. Anyone who knows Matt & Amelia knows that they are quite truly the definition of yin & yang. They bring out the silliness in each other, support and protect each other fiercely, and they fit seamlessly into one another's lives. Matthew got down on one knee while in Mexico, surrounded by family, friends, (and supportive beach-goers alike!), and asked Amelia to spend the rest of her life with him... Can you guess what she said?