We met thanks to the dating app Hinge in late February 2019 and had our first date at the ramen restaurant Futo Buta. We clicked instantly and started spending most of our time outside of work together, Patrick at The Suffolk Punch and Tori transitioning into management at The Tile Shop. Two months later, in April, once Tori was settled into her new role, we made it FBO (Facebook Official) and celebrated with a Paint Your Pet class at a brewery. During our first year of dating, we took trips to meet both families, visited the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and spent a lot of time poolside. 2019 was the year Lola was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and together we went to a lot of vet appointments and gave lots of cuddles.
With Tori's lease ending in April, we decided the obvious next step was to move in together. In April, we signed a lease together for our current house in north Charlotte. After several failed attempts, we finally made it to Mexico in November with an even more eventful trip back home. We have spent the last year loving our life together and have supported each other through job changes for the both of us, we even adopted another cat!
Considering our biggest milestones have occurred in April, we decided to be a bit spontaneous and get married in April as well! Unsure of when things will get back to normal and when it will be safe to have large groups together again, we decided to get married at the Mecklenburg County Courthouse on April 23rd. Later this year, on August 7th, we will host immediate family to exchange vows and celebrate with the people we love.