The best way to get to Port Jefferson, NY is to drive to Bridgeport, CT and take the ferry. You can bring your car on the ferry and the ferry docks right next to Danford's hotel where we have a room block for our guests. There are two other ways to get there as well. You can drive the full way or take a ferry from New London, CT. If you plan to drive around, please keep in mind potential New York City traffic. The New London Ferry docks at Orient Point, NY which is about an hour and a half drive from Danford's Hotel.
You can book a ferry that leaves from Bridgeport, CT and arrives in Port Jefferson, NY at this website: Be sure to select "Bridgeport departures". The ferry may sell out at certain times so in order to secure a spot be sure to book a week or so in advance!
We have booked a room block for our guests at Danford's hotel in Port Jefferson. Transportation to and from the reception will be provided between Danford's and the reception venue. However, if you would like to stay somewhere else the Hilton Garden Inn is about a ten minute drive from the church and the reception venue. There are also some AirBnb's available, however there are not as many close to our venues.
Guests should wear "cocktail attite" for the wedding. For men, that means a jacket or suit and tie. For women, any length dress or dress pants and a blouse is acceptable. Be sure to wear comfy shoes for dancing!
For any other questions feel free to text or call Chris at: 781-234-8826