June 2019, Some tequila bar, New York, NY: Anil's Roivant Goodbye Party! We don't know it yet, but we will eventually use this as our first photo together on our wedding website.
December 2019, Museum of Natural History & Boqueria, New York, NY: First Roivant holiday parties as a secret couple and we are VERY sneaky about it ("Travis you're my date tonight! hahaha")
March 2020, Nashville, TN: Travis' surprise birthday gift to Julie
August 2020, Acadia/ Bar Harbor, ME: the Beehive hike and tandem canoeing are a true test of the relationship.
October 2020, Julie's apartment, South Orange, NJ: We torture our ferrets with a Fantastic Mr. Fox Halloween costume.
December 2020, Travis' Childhood home, Hamilton, NJ: Julie's first holiday with Travis' family <3
May 2021, Hamilton, NJ: Our first home!
July 2021, Tanzinis' house, Redondo Beach, CA: Julie beats Travis at a competition (perhaps the one and only time this has ever happened).
August 2021, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN: Julie graduates from her MS Comms program!
October 2021, Hamilton, NJ: Shelly makes us take professional fall family photos (very grateful now - thanks Shell!)
October 2021, Times Square, New York, NY: Celebrating Roivant's IPO!
December 2021, Museum of Natural History, New York, NY: Another fabulous Roivant Holiday Party
December 2021, Las Vegas, NV: Travis' first holiday with Julie's family and friends <3
Hoover Dam, Boulder City, NV & Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, NJ: Introducing each other to our hometown treasures
February 2022, Solvang, CA: First (and certainly not last) trip to wine country with the Tanzinis!
Villanova University, Villanova, PA & Outlaw Music Festival, Camden, NJ: Julie becomes a Villanova Wildcats fan and Travis becomes a Willie Nelson fan (just kidding).
June 2022, Los Angeles, CA: Being stunners at Matt & Brigitte's incredible wedding.
July 2022, Fingerlakes, NY: Starting a tradition with the Dilks-Brotmans & Deblase in wine country
November 2022, Bordentown, NJ: We got a puppy! Mister Alexander of Hamilton
December 2022, Oahu, HI: Family trip with the Edelsteins & Johnsons
January 2023, Philadelphia, PA: Travis finally pops the question
June 2023, Coquelicot Winery, Los Olivos, CA: Engagement Photos! (and wine, of course)
July 2023, Catskills, NY: Alex's first big hike! (he did great, truly a natural)
September 2023, Fingerlakes, NY: The tradition lives on! And slowly accumulates more participants...
December 2023, Hamilton, NJ: We send out our invites/ finalize our website, and make this thing real! Can't wait to see you next October!