Officiant & Bridesmaid
“Haley is my oldest friend. We’ve known each other since before I can even remember, and had a close bond since we were young. I have many fond memories of us running around the Ron Jon’s resort and learning how to walk fast to keep up with her and her family on trips. Haley became ordained years ago and we would always joke about how she could marry us. It only seemed right that we would ask her to officiate our wedding.”
"Haley was actually the one who actively hyped me up to date Jacob in the first place! Haley and I became close friends through high school cheerleading. I have fond memories of Haley always offering to make me a snack after school at her house and bonding over our love for the beauty industry. I am so thankful that we had the kind of friendship where we could tell each other anything without fear of what we would think of each other. While we still share our bond over the beauty industry, our conversations about life and what we've learned as we get older have gotten more and more special to me."
“Jessica and I met in middle school. We always had very similar senses of humor and spent a majority of our early friendship playing Mario Kart and making slow motion videos of our pets. In high school, we went on small trips together and spent many nights lighting bottle rockets off her dock. As we’ve grown older and moved away, our friendship has evolved to comical holiday texts and calculating when each of us will be back home and for how long. I’ve found that our values are still very much the same and I always look forward to our talks.”
“I still sometimes find myself referring to Beth as my roommate even though she lives over 2000 miles away now. Beth and I were roommates since our freshman year of college until summer of 2020 when she graduated. We have experienced another country together, trips to Universal and Ray's games, and many brewery visits. One of the biggest things we’ve bonded over was thrifting, so much that we have both started our own vintage shops online. Even though we can’t thrift together anymore we still FaceTime to share all of our thrift hauls and still text just about 24/7.”
“Emily was with me when I found my wedding dress! Emily and I unfortunately have work to thank for our friendship. I met Emily while we both worked at Publix and eventually I followed her to a serving job where our friendship grew even closer. Emily is a friend that I know I can always depend on - whether it be to have a laugh with, to give her honest thoughts, or to just be there. While our friendship has seen many eras in its short time, our bond has always stayed constant.”
“Tara is my sorority “Big” sister. The role of a Big in a sorority is to mentor their “Little” through sorority and college life. I am lucky enough that Tara and I became much closer friends than what is generally expected. We quickly became close and continued to live within about 5 minutes of each other for the next 3 years. Tara helped us find our cat Iroh at the humane society, and got to there before us to secure him when we were on our way from work to get him.”
“Taylor is one of my sorority sisters. Upon meeting her, Taylor did not hesitate to start inviting me to her parties and quickly welcomed me into their friend group. I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in Taylor’s wedding in 2021 and I am so excited to be able to return the love. I can always count on Taylor to have a good time no matter what we do and to find the joy in the little things. She is always coming up with amazing new ideas for friends to gather and even helped us plan our engagement party!”
“Alyssa is my sorority “Little.” I am so lucky to have been blessed with a sorority “family” that I am so close with. She is one of my newest friends but it feels like she has been around for a long time. Every time I see Alyssa she greets me with a smile and I can always depend on her to make me laugh even when I’m in a bad mood. Even though I was appointed to be her mentor, she has taught me a lot and is a great example of being true to oneself and kind to others.”
"Charles Reeg, one of my oldest friends and someone I would trust with anything. Charles and I have been close friends since elementary school. While also being a well-versed beer snob, he is also well versed in being a true friend to me and many others on this list. Many of the most memorable moments of my life have been had with Charles, so it’s only fitting to have him next to me for the most important one."
"Coleman Bartlam is quite the character. Like everyone on this list, Cole has remained one of my closest friends since elementary school. Always the helpful one, Coleman has always been there for me regardless of the circumstance. Into our adult years, our relationship has grown into one of great trust and value to me. Coleman is and always will be family to me, and I couldn’t see him at any other place than by my side on my wedding day."
"Those who know Liam, know how genuine and kind a person he is. I’ve known Liam since elementary school and have remained in daily contact with him since. From daily rides to school together, to late night bike rides around Brevard County, Liam and I did everything together. Into our adult lives, we have kept the strength of our youthful friendship up with ease. A friend I know I can share anything with, I couldn’t imagine sharing this day without him."
“Patrick, while also being an uncle to Liam, is like family to me. Always the smartest person in the room, Patrick spends his day educating his high school students not only on the subjects he teaches, but also providing a great example of what it means to be great person. I’ve always felt better after talking to Pat about any issues I have, and know he will always be that person I can go to for years to come. I truly couldn’t imagine this day without him by my side.”
"Zach, like all of my groomsmen, is one of my original friends from high school. If you have met Zach before, you know he has a big personality. He always greets his friends with a great attitude and a well-placed joke or two. This guy is genuinely someone that brings a smile to both me and others’ faces, all while maintaining that laid back “Zach” attitude. Like others in this list, Zach is someone I talk to every day, and I couldn’t imagine going through the biggest day of my life without him."