
Georgia & Chase

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Georgia Spencer and Chase Davis
Meet our family and friends that we couldn't imagine this day without.

Brooke Spencer

Maid of Honor

We are so grateful to have the most supportive and compassionate sister stand beside us on our big day and the rest of our lives.

Buddy Davis

Best Man

He might be our dad, but he is also our biggest fan. We cannot wait to have him next to us on our big day.

Ashleigh Spencer


Our sister in love that has made us feel celebrated every day of our relationship. We are so happy to have her in our family.

Austin Robinson


Lifelong friend of Chase's that has supported and loved us as his own family, and we are sure will bring much laughter and joy to our big day.

Emily Lowe


Lifelong friend of Georgia's that will surely love and support us on our big day as much as she has from day one.

Tyler Buck


One half of the Bucks that will make our day as fun as he has made many years of Chase's life.

Heather Blankenship


Georgia's beloved friend and huge cheerleader! We are so grateful to have her (& her precious husband) as our dear friends as we start this journey.

Caleb Buck


The other half of the Buck team that has brought Chase laughs for years, and we have no doubt he will bring his joy to our big day.

Isabel, Janiyah, Rawlings

Flower Child

Our littlest sisters will make the sweetest junior bridesmaid & flower girls. We are happy to share our spotlight with the cutest part of our crew!

For all the days along the way
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