Matron of Honor
Gabby and Arielle have been friends since elementary school. Since neither of them had sisters, they assumed the sister role in each other's lives. The countless sleepovers, nights out on the town, family gatherings, couch snuggles, concerts, and college visits only further solidified their bond.
Best Man
Joe is George's older brother. Since childhood they have been getting into trouble, blaming it on each other, and laughing along the way. George has followed in many of Joe's footsteps - including wrestling, gaming, and moving to the Boston area. They've had each other's backs since the very beginning.
Colleen and Gabby met during their freshman year at Roger Williams University. They were both early education majors, but ironically, neither of them became teachers. Colleen is the ultimate partner in crime, hype woman, confidant, and master planner - AKA the perfect person to have by Gabby's side on her wedding day!
Best Man
Eddie is George's younger brother. Despite the early-on sibling warfare, they have grown close as they've gotten older and wiser after sharing many long car rides from Connecticut to Cape Cod together. You can often find them hiding away to play video games at family gatherings, and debating their favorite anime.
George actually met Melissa at RWU freshman year in Cedar Hall, well before Gabby lived with Melissa the fall of their junior year. Following graduation, Melissa and Gabby both moved to NYC, leading to ridiculous times at Brother Jimmy's, a lot of bagels, and one too many fishbowls. Melissa is a ride-or-die friend and Gabby is honored to have her as a 'maid!
George met Mike in middle school when he moved to the east coast from San Francisco. Sharing a similar taste in music, as well as the same free period everyday, they often swapped mixed CD's, and even tried to start a band at one point. In the summer, they attended Camp Burgess together. Even though Mike is back on the West Coast, their shared love for playing golf and Rocket League has kept them close.
Alison and Gabby met at RWU and quickly bonded over their mutual love of good food. After college, Gabby and Alison lived in the tri-state area resulting in many brunch dates, karaoke at terrible dive bars, and causing a ruckus on The High Line together. The constant giggles continue to this day whenever they get together (but hopefully not while Gabby is saying her vows.)
Gabe and George have been friends since elementary school. Early on, they bonded over playing Pokemon during recess, and discussing the latest Dragon Ball Z episode. In high school, they were practice partners on the wrestling team. These days Gabe is busy wrestling with a toddler, but finds the time to game with George and catch up at many Bread gatherings.
Gabby and Tim hit it off while studying abroad together in Florence, Italy. They had the best time traveling all over Europe and miraculously made it back to the U.S. in one piece. When Gabby returned to the Boston area, Tim and his fiancé Tyler quickly became the go-to couple for date nights, bar hopping, and holiday celebrations - living 1 mile apart from each other only made it all the easier to make memories together!
Shane and George met freshman year at RWU - they were dorm room neighbors and found similar interests in cars and old school video games. After transferring to URI after sophomore year, Shane practically lived at George's off-campus house on the weekends during his junior and senior year. Winding down from their reckless college years, they have remained close over the years visiting each other in RI, NY, CT, and MA.
Grace is George's younger sister. Gabby met Grace when Grace was just six (!!!) years old. At the beginning of their friendship, they spent countless hours playing with dolls, painting their nails, and playing dress-up. Today, Gabby and Grace bond over Netflix shows, face masks, and makeup. Gabby is so excited to finally have a sister!
Emmanuel is Gabby's younger brother and George's soon-to-be brother-in-law. They first met at Gabby's RWU graduation party in 2013 and clicked instantly over a mutual love for video games, skating, skiing, and comedy TV shows. Emmanuel often dog-sits for George and Gabby, and his next important duty will be to stand by George's side on their wedding day.
After graduating from RWU, George and Gabby had just started dating while Gabby and Chris were roommates in NYC. The three of them quickly bonded, as George visited their Brooklyn apartment almost every weekend. Many nights spent eating pizza, watching movies, and scoping out new spots in the city together led to an invaluable friendship between the three of them. Chris was by George and Gabby's side at the very beginning of their relationship, and they are honored he will be the one to officially declare them husband and wife!