4:00 pm - 10:00 pm
We suggest arriving a day prior and staying at one of our suggested hotels listed on the accommodations tab. Please consider staying the weekend as we do not want anyone driving home under the influence, the safety of our loved ones is a priority for us. Feel free to refer to our accommodations tab for suggestions on local hotels. Sugerimos llegar un día antes y hospedarse en un hotel. Considere quedarse el fin de semana ya que no queremos que nadie conduzca a casa bajo la influencia de alcohol, el bienestar de nuestros seres queridos es una prioridad para nosotros. No dude en consultar el enlace de alojamiento para obtener opciones de hoteles.
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Formal attire, but bring your botas for the banda afterwards :)
Join us as we make our marriage official, let's all cry of joy together! ¡Lloremos todos juntos de felicidad!
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
While we take our photos, enjoy some snacks, our photo-booth and catch up on the latest chisme. Mientras nos tomamos nuestras fotos, disfruten de botanas, la cabina de fotos y chismien.
3:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Lets eat, dance and celebrate love! ¡A comer, bailar, y celebrar el amor!
11:00 am