Once upon a time, in the vast and infinite universe of high school, two freshmen named Andrew and Gabby found themselves on a cosmic journey they could never have predicted. Little did they know that their paths were destined to intertwine, leading to a love story that would span the stars. In the year 2008, their fateful adventure began. Andrew, a shy but kind-hearted dreamer, spotted Gabby, a quirky and intelligent soul, in their first-period physics class. Their connection was instantaneous, like two galaxies colliding to form a brilliant nebula. They became inseparable, spending countless afternoons in the school library, discussing books, science, and their hopes for the future. As the years went by, their bond deepened, and by their sophomore year in 2010, it was evident to everyone around them that they were more than just friends. They finally took a leap into the unknown and embraced their feelings, stepping into the realm of romance together. From that moment on, they traversed the universe hand in hand, navigating the challenges of high school with the support of their extraordinary love. Fast forward to March 23, 2021, their 11th year anniversary. Andrew had been meticulously planning the perfect proposal to show Gabby just how much their love meant to him. Under the guise of a regular movie night, Andrew had transformed their backyard into an enchanting starlit wonderland. As the evening sky shimmered with constellations, Gabby was completely surprised and delighted to find their backyard metamorphosed into a haven of romance. A fancy dinner awaited them, with dishes inspired by their favorite interstellar delicacies. A popcorn machine added a touch of whimsy, symbolizing the small joys they'd shared together through the years. After dinner, they settled down on a cozy blanket for the outdoor movie experience. A classic romantic film began to play, but just as the movie reached its peak, Andrew paused it, taking Gabby by the hand. He led her to their dining room, where soft music played in the background. Guiding her in a gentle dance, Andrew whispered sweet words of love into Gabby's ear, reminiscing about their adventures, both big and small, that had brought them to this moment. As Nat King Cole's "Unforgettable" serenaded them, Andrew's heart swelled with emotion, knowing that he had found his one true love among the stars. With the celestial light of the stars streaming through the windows, Andrew finally knelt before Gabby, holding her hand in his. His voice was filled with love and determination as he asked her the most important question of his life, "Gabby, my shining star, will you journey with me forever? Will you marry me?" Tears of joy glistened in Gabby's eyes as she nodded, her heart bursting with happiness. "Yes, Andrew, a thousand times yes!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her elation. In that very moment, the universe seemed to hold its breath, savoring the beauty of their love story. The stars themselves seemed to twinkle brighter, knowing that two souls had found each other among the galaxies. And so, with the promise of forever, Andrew and Gabby began planning their next adventure – not just as high school sweethearts but as lifelong partners exploring the infinite reaches of the universe, hand in hand, like two celestial bodies orbiting each other in a dance of love and devotion.