2720 Via De La Valle, Del Mar, CA 92014, (858) 481-2904
Walking distance from the Hilton hotel. Enjoy a carefully curated mix of unique retailers including local boutiques with handmade items along with global brands. Visit to experience the creative, vibrant community of shops, restaurants and services.
3263 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar, CA 92014, (858) 481-1166
Best fish tacos in the city overlooking the Del Mar racetrack and dog beach!
Powerhouse Park & Beach
1658 Coast Boulevard, Del Mar, CA 92014, (858) 755-1556
Viewpoint Brewing Company
2201 San Dieguito Drive, Del Mar, CA 92014, (858) 356-9346
Great food and drinks located on the San Dieguito Lagoon. One of our favorite restaurants!