
Amber & Davis

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

some of our people! yay! friends! family! we love you!

Megan Stone Harvey

Matron of Honor

This is Amber's *older* sister. They did not start life together on the right foot (see picture above), but have found some common ground over the years. Megan is married to her high school sweet-heart Kevin Kevvvy Poo, they have a dog named Nelly, and like to dye her tail different colors depending on the Holiday season. Megan likes to spend her time helping animals, playing boardgames and getting the same haircut as Amber.

Parker Russell

Best Man

Parker Russell is one of Davis's Austin friends. They became quick friends after sharing a very similar humor and continue to laugh most of the time they are together. While Parker threatened to leave Austin for long time, he finally came to his senses and moved back, so they could continue to be close friends!

Peyton Robb

Matron of Honor

ahhh peyton...this is one of Amber's first college friends. You might also recognize her name, seeing as she is a K-2 Legend. Amber and Peyton were highly sought out models in college (see picture above, call if you need any models for your next shoot). Peyton is always down to dress as Zack and Cody for date parties (with Amber), go on cross-country road trips with zero plan (with Amber), and dance so hard on the dance floor that she might need to take a trip to the hospital (with Amber, of course).

Adam Kepke


Adam Kepke... or Coach, as most of the golden eagles know him, was a college roommate and lived in downtown Siloam Springs with Davis. Adam and Davis met on the first day of college and ended up not really separating after that.

Anna Fulmer Rubin


This is Davis' sister. Before meeting Davis, Amber met Anna at summer camp in 2017, where they hit it off immediately with their witty charm and charisma. Both are equally talented in tying various knots, such as a figure 8 and bowline. They've stayed long distance friends, visiting each other at college and trips to Colorado. Nowadays, Anna and Amber both enjoy making fun of Davis and trying to beat him in pickleball. After staying friends for so long, they thought it would be fun to be friends forever, so now they're going to make it official.

Brian Rubin


Brian Rubin is Davis' brand new brother. They got the chance to work we each other at Noah's Ark White Water Rafting one year before he met Anna. During that summer he saved Davis' butt from getting fired. (You can ask them later...). Brian and Davis love a good game of pickleball to see who is the more dominant brother. Davis has yet to beat Brian.

Emma Mathieu

Maid of Honor

Emma and Amber have been roommates for the past 5 years....ya....their longest relationship to date. Kiiiidding. But they do fight like an old married couple every now and again, you can just ignore that when it happens. Emma and Amber spend their time in Austin getting coffee, door dashing while watching movies, and eating pizza at Flo's. From the barren town of College Station, to becoming city slickers of Austin, these girls have taken the world by storm. You can thank Emma for making sure Amber had her nails done, make-up on, and a cute outfit ready for her engagement.

Kevin Harvey


Kevin has become a new part of Davis' life and it has been the most splendid time. Kevin and Davis enjoy herding and sheering sheep, making fires at the Stone's house and doing any project that Scooter thinks up when the boys visit.

Corynne Hammit


Corynne and Amber's friendship starts off on a hot day at summer camp after lunch time circa 2012. As Amber walked out of the dining hall happy to start FOB, a random girl (who we do not know) threw up purple Gatorade (after she chugged a whole pitcher) all over Amber. Corynne grabbed Amber (who she did not know at the time) and took her to the nearest fountain and washed her off. The girls have been long distance friends ever since. They spent most summers together working on the ropes course yelling at highschool boys 30 feet in the air. They couldn't have had a better time. Seriously.

Will Holt


Will is a very special young man. He has shared a room with Davis for the past two years and before that he would let Davis come over and sleep in his bed with him while Davis lived with his parents after college. You haven't met a better duo for first impressions until you've seen these two walk into a room of people they've never met before. Will and Davis share a deep bond and love of quality time, but mostly physical touch! He's one good lookin' SINGLE groomswoman! ;-)

Courtney Jackson


cj! Our own Bethany Hamilton...plus an arm. This is another dear college friend of Amber's. Court and Amber bonded in college over getting puppies at the same time junior year and trying to hide them from the landlord...unsuccessfully. Since moving states apart, they've spent many hours on face time to stay caught up. If not, there was always an occasional text every few weeks of, "hey" or "how r u". They both share a bad tendency to leave the other read....no hard feelings. You can catch Courtney on cross country trips, making any excuse to have a mega-bed, or saying "Sit, Olive!" (olive is her dog).

Alex Street


Street is the most incredible man you've ever met! If you want to feel heard and understood, sit down and have a conversation with this guy. Street and Davis enjoy long longboarding strolls in parking garages and walking in any neighborhood around Austin. He was also the person who took the engagement photos... good job brother! He's one good lookin SINGLE groomsman! ;-)

Marie Atmar


Marie, aka Matmar, and Amber met as campers. Though neither one thought they'd see each other past high school, they both ended up in College Station. Most nights consisted of long convos at sonic, driving to the nearest vet clinic to save a kitten, Marie teaching Amber how to play the guitar until her fingers bled, or taking down chili dogs at a&m football games. If you don't like hugs, beware because Marie is the best hugger out there.

Colten Laptad


Colton spent all three of his years in college hanging out with Davis. In those three years he was able to get his undergraduate and masters. Davis only got his undergraduate...in four. Colton was also the youngest roommate and did succumb to the "little brother" role for some of college. He is one of the kindest humans on this earth and married his college sweetheart and together they make the most wonderfully kind couple around town!! ily

Sara Billings


Sara Billings...wait, let me spell if for ya, S-A-R-A. no H's here!!!! SB is yet ANOTHER old college friend/roommate. Sara and Amber share a love for keeping knick-knacks for scrapbooking, rollerblading at sunset, playing spades, and listening to Dixie Chicks with the windows down. Sara is a steady friend. For example, allowing Amber to hold onto her as she fell getting off the ski-lift...unfortunately taking both of them down. But for real, Sara is a very loyal friend - definitely one to have in your corner. And as always, pray for Sara's thumbs. #prayforsarasthumbs

Caleb Campbell


Caleb and Davis grew up together and have been great friends since the 4th grade! They have had lots of fun sneaking out of their parents house to throw eggs and firecrackers at cars and run for their lives. (a note to the reader) Caleb never beat Davis in the mile in middle school. And those are just facts.

Summer Moon Roof


Summer Rae Moon -- yes, its an epic name, and yes it's her real name. Summer and Amber met in college while they volunteered for an afterschool ministry, Youth Impact. These are the most typical type B people you'll meet when they get together. As seen in the photo above, this is them going on a retreat with one small blanket and one pillow to share. They love to ride scooters, dates to get pizza rolls, solo dance parties, and throwing cupcakes at each other.

Jack Conklin


Jack and Davis became fast friends at their gap year program after high school. The boys always enjoyed time together talking about music, the Astros, and finding trips to go on (usually in Colorado). When Jack met his future wife in college, he would not introduce Davis to her for quite some time. For fear that he may scare her away (smart man). Jack also knew Davis' future wife many years before Davis ever met her. Why he didn't introduce them to one another.... we will never know.

Jillian Linder


jillian, jill, jilly-bean. This is one of Amber's current roommates and first friend in Austin. Jillian is a proponent for stuffed animals. Amber and Jill have raised their two stuffed animals, Santi (pictured on the left) and Hutty (on the right), together in Austin. They've taken them to places like San Diego, Florida, and many more vacation spots. You can always count on Jill to go with you to get a good taco and an ice-cold coke ;-).

Nolan Campbell


Nolan grew up with Davis the same as Caleb, but he played the role as the older brother. (because he was). Though many times he tried to not laugh at what Davis had to say, he could never help himself, he's just too damn funny. Nolan also went to the same gap year program with Davis and Jack. He lived with Davis in college, where they had the best room setups that John Brown University has ever seen. If you get time to chat with Nolan, ask him about frisbees.

Anne Young


ANNE!!! This is another current roomie and new friend to Amber since moving to Austin. They spend some nights doing laundry and talking about their days across the living room from their bedrooms. Anne has inspired Amber to become a plant lady, propagating any plant she thinks looks cool. And you know what they say...there's never too many plants. Anne and Amber also share a love for creating things and being ~artsy~. Anne's goofy and fun personality always keeps Amber on the positive side of things.

Kate White

Flower Girl

Kate is one of amber's many cousins -- She was one of the few to know the up's and down's of the beginning and end and beginning again of Amber and Davis' relationship. Kate listened patiently while Amber read her diary out loud to her over the Christmas break in '22 and meticulously searched for signs if Amber and Davis were going to get back together after their break-up, like public venmo transactions. Anyways, Amber thought it would be funny and memorable to have Kate walk down the aisle with flower petals, so she's making her do it.

For all the days along the way
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