Unless otherwise stated on your invitation, we are sadly unable to accommodate additional guests or plus ones at this time. We thank you for understanding that we would like to keep our wedding as an intimate event with close friends and family!
Our day is being coordinated on a strict schedule, this means we cannot push back start times to anything due to people running late. If you happen to be running late, you will not be allowed into the ceremony. This avoids distractions for not only other guests but also the bride and groom.
We would love to see our family and friends get dressed up with us! We are requesting a semi-formal dress code for our evening. No jeans, please!
We love your little ones - we really do! However, due to many factors including limited space, we have decided to keep our wedding and reception an adult-only event with the exception of immediate family, as specified on your RSVP. However, we encourage you to use the evening as a "date night" for yourself! We appreciate your understanding.
We feel so loved that you would want to honor us in this way! - Please have it delivered to our home at 15112 E 113th St N, Owasso, OK 74055. We will have a wedding card box at the reception.
We love photos, however we do ask you refrain from taking them during the ceremony. That way our photographer has no obstacles in her way. For the reception you are welcomed and encouraged to take photos! Please tag us or use our wedding hashtag (#foreveryoung) so we can see all the fun!