Our wedding is RSVP only, we are only able to accommodate those listed on the invitation. If you have concerns, please let Ryan or Annie know so they can work with you on the options available.
The weather has a mind of it's own. We are expecting temperatures to be between 50 and 60 degrees. For the spoiled Californians, expect to bring a warm jacket. Most of the events will be indoors with heating and air.
Temples are different than the thousands of Church meetinghouses located around the world. Meetinghouses are where Sunday worship services, youth gatherings, service projects, and other community events take place. All are welcome to join in these activities. Temples have a more specific purpose. They are places specially set apart for sacred service and ceremonies. They are designated by the Lord and dedicated to His purposes. Temples are the only places where some priesthood ordinances are authorized to be performed. These sacred ceremonies lift and inspire participants as they make commitments to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. If you would like to learn more about Temples and the role they have played throughout the lives of God's children, feel free to visit this website: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/temples/why-latter-day-saints-build-temples?lang=eng
Most new or renovated temples are open to visitors of all ages and religious backgrounds for an open house, which includes a video and a walk-through tour of the temple. Once the temple is formally dedicated, entrance is reserved for faithful members of the Church. We encourage and welcome everyone to attend the grounds of the Bountiful temple with family and friends to celebrate Ryan and Annie's sealing as they exit the temple. However, entrance to the inside of the temple is reserved for faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who are prepared to perform sacred ordinances.