We’re your typical love story - just kidding. We met in college but never dated or have any relationship besides being friendly acquaintances. 6 years later, in the middle of a nor’easter while both working in healthcare, we matched on a dating app. Dom was a roommate of Kayla’s brother, Mike, at WPI. They had their casual encounters when Kayla would go to visit Mikey. After college, Dom was still friendly with Mikey so he and Kayla would run into each other from time to time. Then at the beginning of the new year in 2018, Kayla decided to work a double in the ER in the middle of a nor’easter. Thankfully it was a slow night because she had time to browse her dating app. That’s when she saw that Dom had already liked her page. She assumed it was more of a “hey, I see you on here!” But Kayla decided to like his page back. It felt like merely moments later when Dom messaged Kayla. They got to chatting - both having slow nights at work due to the snow storm. They caught up on what was going on in their lives, how work had been going, and where they felt their lives were heading. Kayla was working an overnight that night but Dom was done working at midnight. When he went to bed he sent her his phone number and said “text me tomorrow when you wake up if you want.” And she’s been saying “good morning” to him ever since.
It was a typical Sunday night. Kayla had just put their daughter, Amelia, to bed. Kayla sat back on the couch and was scrolling her phone. Dom was also laying on the couch on his own phone. Dom then asked, “can you get me a soda?” Kayla assumed he was being lazy, but agreed. She went to the fridge and came back with a Diet Pepsi. Once she put the soda down, Dom asked, “can you do me another favor?” Kayla responded, quite rudely in hindsight (lol), “ugh what?” And that’s when Dom got down on one knee and asked “will you marry me?” So surprising. So simple. So perfect.