Maid of Honor
Erica and I (Fiona) have been friends since working at the same child care facility where Erica’s daughter Mia was in my class. Soon after we discovered we were neighbors and it was a wrap. Erica has the truest heart of them all. She is hilarious and quick witted and kicks my ass in body pump classes. I look up to Erica in all ways as her energy is striking upon first walking in the room and her heart is that of a servant to all that is love. She is an amazing mother and friend. She has never pulled a tarot card that hasn’t come true. I think that’s a mark of character. I feel blessed to know that my son loves her as his own family. Plus I hope one day you can try her pasta salad. Or her Christmas Eve crab sauce.
Rae and I (Fiona) met at story time at the library when our sons were very little. It was Halloween and Rae’s son James was wearing a dinosaur costume and dancing on the stage of the amphitheater. We got to talking and the rest was history! Rae has a warm spirit and is endlessly helpful and supportive. Many times this woman has fed Castel and I with dinners, snacks and COOKIES all of which were delicious and soul comforting. Rae remains a positive light even during the hardest times and her sweet smile and sarcastic jokes will bring you into the light yourself. She has an adventurous heart and I am thankful to have her as my friend.
I (Beau) met Chris through a mutual friend at a kickback one night. Chris cracked jokes all night and I fell in love. Chris enjoys drinking with the "boiz" but most importantly being a father to two beautiful little girls. He is a loving partner to his old lady and a generous friend to all. Chris loves live music and will dance his ass off at raves. All in all Chris is a good dude and one of my best friends even if he refuses to fly economy class.
I knew Connor was going to be in my wedding when he hit me with a bat one drunk night. Ever since that night we have been great friends. I guess you could say he knocked some sense into me. Connor is one of the most hardworking people I know and he would help anyone in a heartbeat. He is kind and hilarious and he makes me a better person.
Ring Bearer
Castel is our sweet son of age 2. He will be our ring bearer and most likely will be in mama’s arms for the ceremony. We’d have it no other way! Castel is equal parts serious and silly. He has great concentration when playing with cars and trucks or scooping sand and dirt outside. He loves to jump in puddles and is something mean on his balance bike! Ask him about his bike tricks! He also loves to interpretive dance especially when he hears his favorite songs. He is gentle and sweet and generates all of his own energy. Not a follower but a strong leader, Castel has big ideas and will try new things easily and with excitement. He can be a little shy and nervous but in his own time he blooms anywhere he is planted. He has one kitten and a doggy that he takes good care of and is a good helper with all of mama’s plants. His favorite color is blue (today). Ask him about monster trucks and you’ll get a dissertation. He loves to pretend make tea and “yummies” in his play kitchen. Castel has a fierce heart full of love and kindness and it shines out brightly.
Flower Girl
Ava and Mia are our flower girls! Ava is four and Mia is three and both kiddos are full of light and love. Ava has a sensitive soul that is also bold and brave. She loves to imaginative play and is very talented with drawing and coloring. Ava is great at painting nails at her play nail salon and has some serious gymnastic moves on the living room floor. She is taking swim lessons and can push off the wall by herself! She says her life is lived for her sister Mia and it shows in how she plays with and looks out for her sister. Ava is a natural leader with gentle confidence and big ideas. See her lead the way even through fear and nervousness. She can do hard things! Mia is carefree and passionate with all that she does. Very well spoken and creative, Mia confidently speaks her mind and is inclusive in all her thoughts and ideas. Watch for some serious dance moves on the dance floor! Mia is highly independent and adventurous but is also quick to join in on imaginative play with Ava and friends. Mia loves to take care of her kitten and doggy. She is fearless on the swing set and is quick to try new things. She can go down the big slide at school all by herself! She is honest and sincere and has great jokes. If she calls you a silly goose, it’s a big compliment :)
Flower Girl
Natalie is the daughter of Rae and Josiah Durfee. She is the fastest learner on this planet and can really keep up with her older brother James! She likes to dance and endlessly say "thank you!" to get a smile out of you. The newest to this earth, Natalie has a beaming personality and wants to try everything new. She is always munching on a snack and is very quick to offer to share with you! Ask her for a high five and you will receive the sweetest one back :)
Candle Lighter
James is the son of Rae and Josiah Durfee and is the leader of his pack. James was Castel's first friend and remains one of his most favorite people to this day. He loves to run and climb and move his body! He is outrageously talented at bowling and has much better form than I have ever had in my life. James is a kind friend who shares endlessly with his friends and younger sister. He is goofy and loves to make you have a big reaction. He can also drink a smoothie faster than humanly possible. Ask him about bowling, rescue cars or mango slices and he will tell you all he knows. James brings exuberance and sparkle to all that he does!