December 7, 2018
Cleveland, TN

Chris and Jenn

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Tori Tucker

Maid of Honor

Tori and the Bride met in their freshman days at college. The introverts spent many twilight hours talking about life, the complex emotional changes of seeking your own trail, and Tori's fascination with Bigfoot. He's out there, you guys. Tori and the bride love brunching on the weekends (or weekdays, or whenever), as well as sharing quality brews and ideas for a better world. The bride is also acting aunt to Tori's fur-baby, an honor she does not take lightly.

Danielle Cate


As you can probably guess, this is the sister of the bride. Many years were spent playing make-believe, pranking each other within an inch of their sanity, and pretending to be twins wherever they went. They shared birthday parties and many items of clothing (never with permission, of course). Danielle and the bride have mostly grown up, but will always be Sista-sistas.

Savina Elias


Savina and the bride have only known each other a few years, but they have been filled with so much laughter and personal growth. After meeting at church, Savina made a decision that the two of them would become friends (which, thanks to Savina's obnoxiously likable personality, only took a single meal at City Cafe to achieve), and have been gassing each other up ("Yes, queen!") ever since. Workout partners, collaborators, and adamant encouragers, the two spend many hours planning crazy ideas and nurturing their creative juices.

Heather Park


Heather and the bride met during their time at college, thus a bond forged in the fires of terrible lectures and professors was born. Heather, unafraid of confrontation or discomfort, always challenged those around her to think differently. From discussing personal experiences, to posing the questions no one else wants to ask, for these two, no conversation is off the table. Heather and the bride spend their time debating women's issues, video games (of which Heather knows and enjoys a great deal), and all things kawaii.

Charissa Barnett


Charissa and the bride met after their significant others became joined at the hip. Many art nights, writing sessions, and Munchkin games later (who says war can't produce friendship?), these competitive creatives called one another "friend." Charissa balances her bloodthirsty desire for winning with a laid-back attitude about literally everything else. An incredible artist, complex thinker, and pro at eyeliner art, Charissa is just an overall cool person who's way too easy to talk to.

Alexandra Braddy


Alexandra (Sweet Pea) and the bride have been sisters for seventeen years, and the bride still doesn't know how her sister can contour better than her. From their mutual love of designer makeup, to long and difficult conversations about the future, these two can talk on the bed for hours. Sweet Pea spends her time listening to music, decorating with skeleton art, and wearing nails long enough to pierce her haters. Don't let her makeup game fool you, though, this young scholar is going places. She'll just travel in style.

Katie Fernandez


Katie and the bride met in during sophomore year in high school, and both have since forgiven each other for their lack of style. Writing on the school newspaper being the only thing they had in common, the bride watched as Katie demolished sport after sport, all while rocking an awesome GPA. From sneaking out of class to grab pizza, to constantly pranking Katie's brother and his awful friends, the two spent their high school years laughing uncontrollably through every misadventure.

Jacob Barnett

Best Man

Julian Elias


Elliott Drumgould


Evan Cockerham


William Cate


Joshua LaCoe


For all the days along the way
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