August 18, 2023
Ipswich, Massachusetts

Skye & Justin


Justin Flory


Skye Stewart


August 18, 2023

Ipswich, Massachusetts

How We Met

Love at first tweet

Justin and Skye first connected back in the spring of 2013 when they both joined a "Merrimack College Class of 2017" group on social media in preparation of their freshman year of college. They continued to keep in touch over the next few months and as luck would have it, Justin and his family were vacationing in York, Maine that summer (as they have every July for over 40 years). With Skye's hometown only being a quick 20 minute drive away, the two have been inseparable ever since. They spent the rest of the summer showing each other around their hometowns in New Hampshire and Vermont before moving to Massachusetts for college in the fall. And as the saying goes...the rest is history! From navigating college life and living in their first (really weird) apartment together to bringing home their fur baby and getting through tax seasons, they wouldn't trade anything in the world for the past nearly ten years together.

Thanks for being here!

We're so excited to celebrate with you.

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