If you were invited to the private ceremony please arrive no later than 2:50pm CST to avoid disturbances as the ceremony will begin precisely at 3:00pm. If you wish to see the wedding party's entrance at the reception then please arrive around 5:30pm CST. The wedding party will make their entrance at about 5:40pm and dinner will be served immediately following. If you wish to come later then you may arrive anytime throughout the night!
For those coming to the ceremony, parking will be limited but manageable. Our ushers will be there to guide guests to appropriate parking spots. The reception venue has adequate parking.
Those who have the option to add a guest to your online RSVP may bring a plus one! We hope everyone understands that space is limited, but we have tried to accommodate the best we can.
We are only able to accommodate the children we are closest to due to limited space/seating. If your child is invited they will be included on the invitation. For example, the invitation will say "and family".
We are not registered anywhere. If you wish to gift us anything then we would greatly appreciate any contribution towards our honeymoon/travel fund!