Please confirm flight details and send to either bride by September 23rd, 2024 to reserve your room.
Please confirm flight details and send to either bride by September 23rd, 2024 to reserve your room.
February 25, 2025

Felicia & Dalana

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FAQs 問答

If you have any questions other than what we have listed here please reach out to either one of the brides!

How do I get there? 怎麼去


Koh Samui has its own airport to fly into about a 30-minute drive from our hotel in Lamai. Once you arrive our hotel has complimentary shuttle services that can be arranged. 蘇梅島有自己的小機場,從機場大概開車30分鐘到旅館。旅館會提供小巴士。 Please get in touch with the hotel to schedule pickup. 旅館會提供小巴士, 麻煩到後自己跟旅館聯絡。


How early should I book my flight? 要多早定機票


Short answer: The sooner the better! Most travel guides will say anywhere from 6-3 months. However, for us we need at least 5 months in advance. When you book your flights please send us flight details. We require your flights to be booked to confirm we cover your room. 越早越好!旅遊指南會說三到六個月,但我們為了確定房間預訂數,必須要您們在五個月前提供機票證明。 IF YOU DO NOT BOOK 5 MONTHS IN ADVANCE we would still love to have you but you will have to arrange your accommodations. 但如果無法在那之前提供機票證明我們還是誠摯邀請您們參加,但住宿不好意思要自付。


Do I need to book a room? 要自己訂住宿嗎


Nope! As long as you can provide proof of travel by September 23rd, 2024 we will book your rooms on us! We are booking the Jacuzzi Deluxe rooms, if you want to upgrade please contact the hotel! 不用!只要可以在9/23以前提供機票證明我們,我們非常樂意提供住宿。但如果無法在那之前提供機票證明我們還是誠摯邀請您們參加,但住宿不好意思要自付。 If you can’t provide proof of travel by the deadline we would still love to see you! You will just need to book your lodging. 但如果無法在那之前提供機票證明我們還是誠摯邀請您們參加,但住宿不好意思要自付。


When should I arrive? 什麼時候到


Our room reservations begin on the 23rd. If you are arriving in Koh Samui before then please contact the hotel to extend your stay under the group rate. 我們住宿是23號開始。如果你提早到了,可以跟旅館聯絡延長時間, 可享團購價。 We do recommend traveling beforehand either around Thailand or nearby countries to break up travel. That way we aren’t all jet-lagged! 我們建議如果可以在那之前去泰國其他城市看看!順便適應時差!


Where are we staying? 我們住哪裡


We are staying at the Silavadee Beach Resort from the 23rd to 26th. It is on the southern tip of Koh Samui about 30 minute drive from the airport. 我們會在Silavadee Beach Resort住23-26號。地點在蘇梅島南部,從小機場大概30分鐘車程。


I’m booked! What should I do to prepare? 定好機票了!要準備什麼


Please send us screenshots of your travel including when you and your party will arrive in Koh Samui. Now would also be a good time to double-check that you have all of your documentation needed for travel and plan any other traveling you would like to do while you are in Thailand! 麻煩傳給我們機票證明。記得確認所需證件都有了!


What should I wear? 穿什麼呢


Our ceremony will be on the beach with the sand so please plan shoes accordingly. Guest feel free to wear anything beachy-casual. Bridesmaids please refer to "Bridesmaids" tab for more information! 我們的典禮會在沙灘上,所以鞋子注意。穿著盡量沙灘合宜,避免穿白色。 衣著:休閒褲裝,短袖襯衫,沙灘裙,沙灘拖鞋


What should we expect to pay for? 什麼要自費


Great question! We will be covering your room, but not any associated travel expenses such as flights, food outside the ceremony etc. If you have any questions reach out to us! 我們會提供住宿,但機票和婚禮外的吃喝要麻煩自費。


Should I bring a gift? 要帶禮物嗎


While we appreciate the thought we do not need gifts, flying to Thailand to celebrate with us is more than enough ❤️ If we can’t dissuade you we do have a registry on our website. 心意到就好,不用禮物。你們願意前來慶祝就已足夠 ❤️ 但如果實在控制不住在 “Registery” 頁有選項。


Can I upgrade my room? 可以升級房型嗎


Yes you can! We will cover the base room price, but you are free to chip in to upgrade the room to your liking! All you do is send an email to salesevent@silavadeeresort.com and mention the promo code: WD25022025 with the room you wish to upgrade to. 可以!我們會付基本房的價位,但你們可以再加一點升級成自己想要的房型!只要寄Email 給 salesevent@silavadeeresort.com 敘述你想升級成的房型,然後附上這組優惠碼: WD25022025.

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