
We’re getting married!

    Our Story

Evelyn De Jesus Luna


Juan Alberto Jimenez

January 6, 2024

Alhambra, CA

We met on Catholic Match!

All you need is faith, trust, and God🕊

I (Evelyn) had a subscription to Catholic Match for three years on and off. During the last year of having the subscription, I decided to stop going on the site and allow my subscription to expire. One day, I remembered about my subscription and that it would expire soon. I thought to myself and said, "what the heck, why not?". I log in, not really expecting anything to happen. There I am, scrolling, when I come upon a profile with a picture of a guy with a horse. Horses are one of my favorite animals, so that picture immediately sparked my interest about him. I looked through his profile, liked what I saw, and did what I told myself I would never do...initiate the first message. "Hi, Juan, how's it going?" Thirty minutes later... "Hi Luna, thanks for messaging me. I am doing well; how are you?" Within a week of exchanging messages on Catholic Match, Juan asked for my phone number, and we had our first phone call. Remember when I mentioned, I liked what I saw on his profile? Well..one of those things was his location. Being that I live in LA, I would only pay attention to profiles that said the person lived in LA. My reason for that is I didn't care for long-distance relationships. During our first phone call Juan kept talking about Sacramento; Sacramento this and Sacramento that. I was so confused and thought it was strange, so I asked him, "wow, you must visit Sacramento a lot, huh?" He paused and said, "oh, no, I live in Sacramento. I thought you knew that?", "Huh?! I thought your profile said you live in LA??", "No, I live in Sacramento, haha." I could have sworn I saw Los Angeles for his location status, you guys! Which is why I messaged him. Nevertheless, after he told me that, I immediately looked up above me and said, "You did this, didn't You, Sir? hahaha". I was referring to God, by the way, ha. Anyway, it's three years later, we've been long distance ever since, and now we're preparing for holy matrimony! Yay!💍

So..is she moving up north or is he moving down south??

If you're wondering, which we're sure you are lol. Evelyn, aka Luna, will be moving to Sacramento.🙌🏼

For all the days along the way
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