Yes, please see the travel page for more detailed information.
The dress code for our wedding is formal, black-tie optional. We recommend a suit or tuxedo, and cocktail or formal dresses.
While we love your little ones, our wedding is an adults-only event, so that everyone can relax and enjoy the evening. We appreciate you making arrangements ahead of time, either leaving the kids at home or having someone else watch them during the day's events, so you can celebrate with us!
We respectfully ask that you come only with who is listed on your invitation. We are unable to accommodate guests unless it is specifically indicated on your invitation, "and Guest". You will be able to see the specific guest count within your party when you RSVP as well.
We are having an "unplugged" ceremony. We request that all phones and devices are put away and silenced or turned off during the ceremony. We have hired a professional photographer to capture our day and we would hate for her shots to have phones in them! You are welcome to take pictures during all other portions of the wedding celebration!