Here's what to expect for our wedding day:
- The ceremony will begin at 4:00pm and will end at 5:00pm. After our "I Do's" we will be taking a couple minutes to be alone in prayer and communion before joining our lovely guests. During this time please feel free to enjoy refreshments, our photo backdrop, and some mingling time. Don't be shy, we are family now!
- We will then rejoin the party for greetings and pictures as the reception is being set up.
-Next we will be walking into the reception at 6:00pm for dinner accompanied by music. You will be able to find the seating chart at the entrance of the reception.
- After dinner, we will be hearing from our loving friends and family as they share speeches and from what I have heard, some fun surprises!
- Overall, ENJOY! Lets celebrate this fun time with one another.
- Quick note: reception will promptly end at 11pm to respect our generous venue host. Thank you!