November 6, 2021
Magnolia, AR

Erin & Seth

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Alli Davis

Maid of Honor

Alli is my "built in best friend" and I am so blessed to call her my sister. She is the first person I call when I need to rant after a long day, but also the first I want to share my best days with. Alli is the best listener, gives great advice, and I know I have her support through thick and thin. We share the same sense of humor, and we have never been able to stay mad at each other for very long. A beauty inside and out; she will be the most perfect Maid of Honor.

Brett LaCour

Best Man

Scares northerners with his New Orleans accent.

Rachel Dampier

Matron of Honor

Rachel and I met in middle school and have been friends ever since. We have seen one another through the best and worst years, and I can't imagine life without her. Rachel is the best kind of friend to have around, and she loves people so well. She is the type of friend that I can go weeks without talking to, but then pick back up right where we left off. She is a person I would trust to talk through anything with, and I know she would support and help me with any situation. I am so thankful to call her my best friend and matron of honor.

Connor Billiot


Real stand-up guy. Cleared his schedule to be my groomsman.

Bailey Clouatre


Bailey is easily one of the kindest people I have ever met, and her bubbly personality made it so easy to become friends with her. Our vet school group would not be complete without her, and she has helped make my time in Baton Rouge a truly wonderful stage of life. Bailey brings such a positive energy to so many situations, and she has helped me find the good/funny things in even the toughest of times. I can't wait to have her standing by me in November.

Logan Cooper


Knows your tools better than you do.

Bailey Carpenter


I became friends with Bailey during our Junior year of college, and we have been inseparable ever since. We are similar in so many ways, and we have often wondered how we didn't become friends sooner, when our paths had crossed so many times before. Bailey loves her friends so well, and I have felt and seen how deeply she cares for the people in her life so many times. I am so thankful for the years we shared together in undergrad, and I am so excited to see where the years to come will take both of us.

Slade Stockton


God's gift to Walmart.

Ansleigh Thibodeaux


Ansleigh was one of the first people I met in veterinary school, and I was immediately sure I wanted to be friends with her. She is so kind and charismatic, and made a real effort to get to know new people and welcome them in. I have loved getting to know Ansleigh throughout the past two years, and wouldn't want to go through vet school or life without her in my corner. She is intelligent, witty, and one of my favorite people to joke with. She is truly an amazing friend, and I am blessed to call her one of mine.

Logan Biggs


Is afraid of calories.

Madison Smith


Maddie is such a caring and sweet friend. She is one of the first to check on people when she can sense they are going through a hard time, and she has shown me so much support through the most difficult parts of vet school. Maddie knows how to seek what she values in life, and she has helped me focus on what really matters when I sometimes get bogged down in minor stresses. She inspires me in so many ways, and I am thankful to have her as a classmate, friend, and now bridesmaid.

Matthew Bullock


Aficionado of fine beers.

For all the days along the way
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