
Erin & Sean



The Wedding Website of Erin Hershey and Sean Slattery
We are so excited that you have decided to stay on property with us! We have already pre-rented cabins on site :) All meals are included! Every event for the weekend will be on property -- no driving around necessary, unless you need to dip into town for extra snacks. There are many cabins on site that are co-ed optional that bunk up to 16 (although unlikely that we'd put 16 in a cabin). For those hesitant to bunk with others: both Sean and I have bunked with like-minded friends and family at this venue for weddings TWICE and it was WICKED COOL (*see bottom of this page*) Additionally, there are private 1-room options at a first-come first-served basis. To book your spots, please Venmo $100 per night/per ADULT to: https://account.venmo.com/u/hersheymama If Venmo does not work for you, please let us know right away so we can adjust accordingly. In the memo PLEASE mention which family the booking is for. WE WILL NOT BOOK YOU A SPOT UNLESS PAYMENT IS RECEIVED

What do I wear?


This event is not black tie, heavens no! Have you met us?! Casual cocktail attire is quite fine. Or feel free to get snazzy! It will be warm inside, and most likely chilly outside, so pack accordingly.


I'M SLEEPING OVER! What do I bring?!


ACCOMMODATIONS ARE HEATED CAMP CODY IS A NUT-FREE CAMPUS Depending on if you've requested private or bunking with others you will either be assigned a PRIVATE ROOM IN THE HEALTH CENTER (most with shared bathrooms) or you will be in a CABIN FILLED WITH SUPER COOL BUNKS (twins). Our recommendations: 1) Queen fitted sheets (depending on where we put you, you may have a twin or a full/queen -- bringing a queen fitted sheet will cover the bases for either size!) Mattresses are standard camp mattresses (comfortable, waterproofed). If you need extra cushion or support please feel free to bring what you need! 2) Sleeping bag(s) or blanket(s) 3) Pillow(s) 4) Towel(s) 5) All toiletries needed 6) Water and snacks in case you get hungry in between meals. Again, Camp Cody is a NUT-FREE CAMPUS. 7) Any beer or wine you prefer for Friday night or during the day Saturday. Coolers are recommended. Beer, wine and cocktails will be offered by us during cocktail hour, dinner and reception. THERE IS NO HARD LIQUOR ALLOWED ON CAMPUS, with the exception being the licensed bartenders hired for the duration of the cocktail hour, dinner and reception. ** Please also be sure to review the weather for the weekend and pack accordingly, as NH is in a constant state of bi-polar. Recalling the wise words of good ol' Sean Slattery: "We're all adults, you're from New England, get it together." ** AGAIN, THERE IS NO HARD LIQUOR ALLOWED ON CAMPUS https://www.yoursummercampwedding.com/wedding-day/cabins-bungalows/


What happens when we decide to bunk with others?


WICKED FUN THINGS! We will not put you with people you don't know or people you may not mesh with. It's surprisingly fun to stay with others.


Take a look at the property online!


https://campcody.com/ https://www.yoursummercampwedding.com/

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