November 7, 2020
Lebanon, Missouri

Erin & Justin

    Wedding Schedule







November 7, 2020

Lebanon, Missouri

Our Love Story


You could say that Justin and I have had "chemistry" from the start. For those who don't know, we met in a chemistry class we were taking at Missouri Southern the spring semester of 2018. I noticed him right away, but he didn't even know I existed. A couple weeks had passed, and I just could not gather the courage to talk to him until one of my very best friends talked me into sending him a message on Facebook. When I sent the message I didn't get a response for a few days, which was pretty discouraging until at 9:23pm on February 2nd, 2018 my phone dinged. Little did I know that it was the love of my life finally messaging me back. Long story short, we got to talking and finally got to hangout and go on a few dates and he had me hooked. I've never met someone that made me feel like I was in a constant Nickolas Sparks story, and made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. Here we are almost two years later and I've never been more happy in my life. We are so thankful God put us together and we can't wait to become husband and wife!

The Proposal


Justin proposed to me in Eureka Springs, Arkansas at the Basin Spring Park. The week before he proposed, he asked me if I wanted to go on a "date day" soon. At the time I didn't find this out of the ordinary because Justin loves going on dates and taking time out of our busy schedules to pick one day every so often to just focus on each other. So of course I say yes and he tells me to make sure I don't have any plans for Monday because we are pretty "booked". We started the day out by going to one of our favorite restaurants in Rogers, and then of course we did a little bit of shopping before heading down to Eureka Springs. I had noticed Justin was on his phone a lot more than he usually is when we go out, but I refrained from saying anything. Little did I know that he was plotting with our parents. So after hours of just driving around he finally took me downtown where I thought we were meeting my parents for dinner. Of course me being the boss man I am, I tried to tell him where to park but he wasn't listening to a word I was saying. Justin had his own plan and he parked at the bottom of the hill instead of the top (where I thought my parents were) So I sucked it up and just did what I was told and walked up the hill to the park where he led me up to the stage and got down on one knee and asked me to be his forever. After I said yes I looked up and peeking out from the trees were both of our families cheering and clapping. I was in awe of how he had arranged this whole proposal and I was so happy he included our families. I felt exactly how I always dreamed I would feel, and I am so thankful he chose me to be his wife! :)

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