September 2, 2018
Chicago, IL

Emily & Erik



Wine tasting in our favorite place, Paso Robles, CA.
Wine tasting in our favorite place, Paso Robles, CA.
Made it to the top of the tallest mountain in the lower 48 states, Mt. Whitney!
Made it to the top of the tallest mountain in the lower 48 states, Mt. Whitney!
Exploring Granada, Spain!
Exploring Granada, Spain!
Our first Bay to Breakers pic together
Our first Bay to Breakers pic together
All dressed up.
All dressed up.
When we got engaged!
When we got engaged!
Thanks to our friend Kevin for capturing this photo in Sonoma!
Thanks to our friend Kevin for capturing this photo in Sonoma!
Riding horses on a ranch... So Texan!
Riding horses on a ranch... So Texan!
Kayak-in camping in Point Reyes for Erik's birthday.  Still one of our highlights from living in the Bay Area.
Kayak-in camping in Point Reyes for Erik's birthday. Still one of our highlights from living in the Bay Area.
Hungry Hungry Hippo and Wonder Woman for Bay to Breakers.
Hungry Hungry Hippo and Wonder Woman for Bay to Breakers.
Whitewater rafting in Oregon!
Whitewater rafting in Oregon!
First time at the Kentucky Derby.
First time at the Kentucky Derby.
About to ride the Hogwarts Express at Harry Potter World.
About to ride the Hogwarts Express at Harry Potter World.
For all the days along the way
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