
Tyler & Kayla

    Wedding Party
Mickey and Minnie

Wedding Party

Meet the Bridal Babes and Gents

Tyler Klein


Kayla Epperson


Kyle Weinberger

Best Man

Kyle and Tyler's friendship began in little league. Tyler can always count on Kyle for his support.

Jacqueline Campion

Maid of Honor

Jay Jay is Kayla's beautiful cousin. Jackie has a kind heart, a beautiful smile and her own unique style.

Brett Steger


Brett and Tyler developed a close friendship while playing football in 7th grade. Brett always answers when Tyler calls.

Emily Warren


Em is Kayla's best friend. Em is sweet and caring and always makes sure to keep in touch. Emily will probably be caught on her phone at some point on the wedding day.

Troy Hobelsberger


Troy and Tyler are longtime friends. Troy always has a kind word to say. Prepare yourself for a speech!

Megan Fata


Meg and Kayla met in 6th grade. Meg is the life of the party. Her jokes and smile will keep the party going all night long.

Zack Muche


Zack and Tyler's friendship dates back to elementary school. Zack's sense of humor has gained him a reputation as one of the funniest people Tyler knows.

Lauren Cain


Lo and Kayla have been best friends since they were three years old. Due to their close relationship growing up, Kayla thinks of Lo like a sister.

Ethan Feucht


Ethan and Tyler have been friends for years. Ethan always tells Tyler, "Love U BB". It's surprising that Ethan still considers Tyler a friend even though Tyler cannot hit a golf ball to save his life.

Kristin Reich


Kris and Kayla became best friends after a few years of knowing each other. Kris has the best laugh and one of the kindest heart.

Jared Feucht


Jared and Tyler have been friends for quite some time. Jared and Tyler share a passion for service.

Hannah Rakofsky


Han and Kayla also met in 6th grade. Hannah is always there for Kayla to provide support and a kind word.

Elizabeth Martin

Flower Girl

Tyler’s Niece

Bennett Nelson

Ring Bearer

Kayla’s Godson

Billy Epperson

Something Blue Crew

Kayla's brother

Camden Moffet

Something Blue Crew

Kayla's brother

Alex Martin

Something Blue Crew

Tyler's brother

Josh Martin

Something Blue Crew

Tyler's brother

Amanda Martin

Something Blue Crew

Tyler’s Sister-in-law

Sam Klein

Something Blue Crew

Tyler's brother

Mikayla Klein

Something Blue Crew

Tyler’s Sister-in-law

For all the days along the way
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