Matron of Honor
Yadis is Michelle's beautiful sister-in-law. She is extremely creative and has an eye for anything artistic. She is zen and not as rowdy as the rest of the crew...until she hears some house music and busts out her cobra move! She will be one of our paparazzi on wedding weekend and we trust her to keep Michelle calm and on schedule for wedding day!
Best Woman
Kesha is Rico's beautiful, sweet and funny sister. We always have something to chat with her about and she keeps us laughing continually. She is picky about her food but trusts Michelle in the kitchen and with recommendations, especially since introducing her to her favorite brunch! Rico cannot imagine having anyone else by his side for this very special day.
Ring Bearer
Sam is Michelle's super funny and engaging Godson. This kid will be the life of the party and will be the first and last one on the dance floor. He swims like a dolphin and is incredibly loving and sweet. We are sure he will take his role very seriously.
Nick is Michelle's brother. They have always been very close and we are not sure who will be crying more down the aisle. He has many interests and talents but they mostly enjoy taking over the kitchen together and staying up late having talks and laughs.